Student Expectations

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Student Expectations

It is incredibly important while at Spain Abroad, that you represent the program well within the community and that you create a safe, positive and supportive environment for yourself and other students.  

The people of Spain have opened up their doors and invited us into their homes in order to share their culture with us.  We take this kindness and generosity very seriously and are so thankful to be a part of such a giving community.  

General Requirements

Must be fluent in English or be at a high level of English fluency.

You are choosing to enroll in Spain Abroad of your own free will.
You are not being forced to participate in this program by parents, schools, or courts.

You are able to manage your own personal basic needs, such as hydration, nutrition, medication management and mobility

You are responsible for the management and security of your medications.
This includes administering your medications and making sure that you have a sufficient supply while you are in the program. Sharing or selling prescription medications will lead to immediate dismissal from the program.

You possess the strength and endurance in order to travel and/or hike with a backpack
You will be required to provide an updated physical from your physician confirming your ability to physically participate in the program.

You will disclose any physical limitations or health concerns that could impact your ability to fully participate in activities while at Spain Abroad.

Emotional and Mental Health Requirements

You are able to participate in group meetings and actively listen to staff, students and your host family, ​be able to share your thoughts, feelings, and needs to others.

You must be able to manage the stress that can occur with International travel and exposure to new cultures and environments.

Travel is incredible and can be an amazing opportunity for growth and change.  Being in a new environment, no matter where it is, can bring about a certain level of stress.  We want to make sure that you are able to safely manage this stress.

Spain Abroad is not a therapeutic program and would be inappropriate for those individuals needing that level of support.  Having a mental health diagnosis does not exclude you from participating in Spain Abroad, but you may be required to share any diagnosis that requires special accommodations with our team.  *The admissions process could also involve speaking with your current treatment team and/or requesting previous testing and documents. 

Behavior Expectations

No drugs or excessive drinking

At Spain Abroad there is a zero tolerance policy for using drugs while enrolled in the program.  For students over the age of 18, alcohol consumption is allowed in appropriate amounts ie. a glass of wine/beer with other students after class or during dinner with your host family.  Becoming drunk and belligerent while at Spain Abroad will not be tolerated.  NO ALCOHOL ALLOWED IN THE HOME OF YOUR HOST FAMILY AT ANY TIME.

No sexual misconduct of any kind

We want all students to feel safe, both physically and emotionally while at the program.  All students agree to contribute to the creation of a safe environment. 

No Tattoos while at Spain Abroad

Getting a tattoo will limit your ability to enjoy the sun, the beach, and the ocean.  We also don’t want you to have to deal with getting an infection while abroad. 

No risky or harmful behaviors

This includes activities not sanctioned by Spain Abroad such as boating, motorcycle riding, sky diving, bungee jumping, and other activities that might be deemed dangerous.

We provide access to organizations and activities that are highly reputable and are insured.  If students discover other activities they would like to do, allow our staff to do our research ensuring the activity is safe. 

I will actively participate in the program and expose myself to what it has to offer

Spain Abroad is an amazing opportunity.  As staff we can only do so much in terms of setting you up for an incredible experience.  You, as a student, need to be willing to engage in the process and immerse yourself in the culture of Spain.  It truly is what you make it!

I will treat myself and other students with respect

There will be zero tolerance for bullying behaviors while at Spain Abroad.  We work hard to create a positive and supportive environment.  If a student is impacting other students ability to have a positive, safe, and fun experience, this could be grounds for dismissal from the program.

Spain Abroad supports and promotes love and respect for all people regardless of age, race, culture, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation. If you are not inline with that philosophy, you are not an appropriate student for Spain Abroad, and any discriminatory comments or behaviors can lead to dismissal from the program.

I will be respectful to the environment and local culture

Spain Abroad is committed to the protection of our planet and being respectful of the Spanish people and culture.  

  • You will minimize waste and your environmental footprint.  

  • You will support local business, buying from local markets and eating fresh foods.  

  • You will practice your Spanish as much as possible while in the community.  

  • You will be respectful to the local people of Spain by wearing culturally appropriate clothing.  

I will be respectful to my educators and classmates

Spain Abroad is a study abroad program.  All students at Spain Abroad must be committed to academic growth.​

  • You will arrive on time for class

  • You will not eat or drink during class with the exception of water.

  • Your cell phone will be turned off or silenced while class is in session.

  • You will not leave papers, bottles, or wrappers in the classroom.  You will throw everything in the trash before leaving.

  • If you are sick, you will notify staff as soon as possible or ask your host family to call.

  • You will arrive on time for visits and excursions. 

You will adhere to the rules and expectations of our amazing homestay families

For those students who are living with local, homestay families, it is incredibly important that we follow the rules and expectations of the program and of their home.

  • If you have a dietary restriction or preference, you will let your family know

  • You will notify your host family if you plan to skip a meal.  

  • You will ask permission before brining another student over to your home.  This avoids confusion and unnecessary misunderstandings.

  • You are not allowed to bring alcohol or drugs into your host family’s home.

  • If you will be arriving late to your host family’s home, you will let them know.

*Violations of these may result in dismissal of the program at the student's cost. No refunds will be given for dismissal.

Apply for the entire year (Fall and Spring) at a discounted Rate of 5,000 euros!!